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新的I.MX RT1180是该公司I.MX RT系列高性能跨界MCUS中最新的。
With up to five Gb/s Ethernet ports, NXP said the i.MX RT1180 MCU supports a wide range of networking protocols for industrial communications, including the latest TSN Ethernet standards, as well as real-time legacy protocols such as EtherCAT, Profinet, Ethernet/IP, and CC-Link, among others. The company said the i.MX RT1180 takes the place of a standalone Ethernet switch, saving board space and reducing costs.
根据NXP的说法,I.MX RT1180是其I.MX RT家族中第一个合并其Edgelock Secure Enclave的家族。NXP表示,Edgelock缓解了在IIOT设备中实施强大安全性和情报的挑战。
The modern factory floor is becoming more automated, creating a complex web of networking protocols. “Industrial and automotive customers are looking to provide increasingly advanced network capabilities and need a solution that not only provides processing power, but can also manage time-sensitive network traffic,” said Jeff Steinheider, NXP’s vice president and general manager of industrial edge processing.
此外,I.MX RT1180可以用作汽车电子控制单元(ECU)之间的网络开关。如今,汽车越来越依赖以太网TSN进行高带宽和实时控制。
NXP is trying to take a larger slice of the market for high-performance MCUs with the reliability and rigor required for modern factories. It is competing with the likes of Texas Instruments and STMicroelectronics.
去年,ti推出了a series of industrial-grade microprocessors,AM243X将实时Cortex-R5和Cortex-M4 CPU与广泛的网络加速器和GB/S以太网集成在一起。
800-MHz MCU + SRAM
基于双核架构的I.MX RT1180耐受的温度范围为-40至125°C。以800 MHz为时钟的高性能皮层M7与高效的240 MHz Cortex-M33配对,可在完全独立的安全域内运行。芯片的内存子系统增加了SRAM的1.5 mb块,以及在皮层M7中的512 kb缓存和Cortex-M33中的256 kb。
NXP表示,I.MX RT1180装在10 x 10毫米或14 x 14毫米BGA包装中。紧凑型足迹使与电机控制系统,工业门户和其他设备易于集成。
NXP说,微控制器还装有外围设备。它们包括12倍UART,3X I3C,6X I2C,6X LPSPI,2x Flexio,2x USB Gen 2 OTG,3X CAN FD和双16位类似物对数字转换器(ADC)。
NXP计划推出一套系统配置工具,开源软件开发套件(SDK)和集成开发环境(IDE),以使客户更容易在I.MX RT1180上部署软件。