

Feb. 14, 2022


  • Where in-memory databases are used (spoiler: everywhere!).
  • Suitability of in-memory databases for microcontrollers.
  • Risks and mitigation of data loss.
  • 内存数据库与数据库缓存不同。

Steven Graves, president ofMcObject,揭露了有关内存数据库技术的一些神话和错误信息。



For reference, the桌子below shows some publicly available code-size estimates for a few different in-memory database systems. Keep in mind that code size depends on the target CPU, compiler, and compiler optimizations employed.


There are two dimensions to scalability: horizontal and vertical. Vertical scalability means getting a bigger server to handle a growing database. While RAM is certainly more expensive than other storage media, it’s not uncommon to see servers with terabytes of memory. Ipso facto, in-memory databases can scale vertically into the terabytes.

Horizontal scalability means the ability to shard/partition a database and spread it over multiple servers while still treating the federation as a single logical database. This applies equally to in-memory databases.



  • 在关闭之前快照数据库(并在下一个启动之后重新加载它)。
  • Combine #1 with transaction logging to persistent media to protect against an abnormal termination.
  • 使用NVDIMM(RAM与Flash,SuperCapacitor和固件相结合,将RAM倒入电源损耗时闪烁,并在RESTART时复制回RAM)。
  • 使用持续记忆A La Intel的Optane。



5. In-memory databases are the same as caching 100% of a conventional database.

Also false. Caching 100% of a conventional database will improve read (query) performance but will do nothing to improve insert/update/delete performance. And, maintaining a cache means having extra logic that a persistent database needs for a least-recently-used (LRU) index—an index to know if a requested page is in cache, or not (a DBMS doesn’t “know” that you’re caching the entire database; it needs to carry out this logic regardless), marking pages as “dirty” and so on.



7. In-memory databases are more susceptible to corruption.



A well-written in-memory database will handle an out-of-memory condition as gracefully as a well-written persistent database handles a disk becoming full. Ideally, an in-memory database doesn’t allocate memory dynamically; rather, memory is allocated up-front and memory required for the in-memory database is doled out from that initial memory pool as needed.




10. In-memory databases are very fast, therefore suitable for real-time systems.

Real-time systems break down into two classes: soft real-time and hard real-time. In-memory databases can be suitable for soft real-time systems. Hard real-time systems require more than just speed—they require determinism. That, in turn, requires a time-cognizant database system, i.e., one that’s aware of, and can manage, real-time constraints (deadlines). It also has become fashionable to advertise in-memory databases as “real-time,” which has become synonymous with “real fast” but has no relationship to soft or hard real-time systems.

11. It doesn’t make sense to have an in-memory client/server database.

Refer to Myth #1. An in-memory database that’s sharded/partitioned practically requires a client/server architecture. Therefore, client application(s) can be isolated from the physical topology of the distributed system, including any changes to it (e.g., to scale it horizontally).


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