
Quantum Science: The Quest for Quantum Information Technology Expands

Aug. 27, 2021
Hope for a new generation of information technology based on quantum science led the U.S. to launch a National Quantum Initiative. It’s a big challenge with a potentially huge payoff.

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Exploratory research inquantum sciencehas yielded promising advances towards new technologies:量子传感器, quantum communications, and量子计算。美国加入了欧盟,英国,中国,日本,加拿大和澳大利亚,启动了培养这些新技术的量子计划。国家光子学院(OSA)和SPIE的共同努力的国家光子学院的推动,导致了两党通过的法律,该法律建立了国家量子倡议(NQI),该法律于2018年12月21日签署为法律。政府将在五年内投资约12亿美元就量子科学投资,行业投资额外的钱。

It’s an important and ambitious project, with government agencies and an industrial consortium hoping to transform the weirdness of quantum science into a practical powerhouse ofquantum information technology。The first results are expected in a matter of years, but maturity may be decades away.



NIST为量子经济发展财团(QED-C)提供了启动资金,以实现和发展美国量子业。超过100家美国公司已签署了加入的意向书,并有正式的支持协议即将出版。Qed-C的副总监Celia Merzbacher说,Qed-C的重点是使工业和政府与彼此的计划和需求紧密接触是“世界上独特的”。详细信息可在QED-C的网站上找到:https://quantumconsortium.org


科学First, Technology Follows

俄勒冈大学(俄勒冈州尤金)的量子光学研究员迈克尔·雷默(Michael Raymer)说,这个重大的目标是“科学第一”。通过。政府方面的科学方向将来自自下而上,研究人员编写建议和同行评审者选择要资助的审稿人。目的是超越激光和原子钟中的量子过渡到使用的“量子2.0”应用量子纠缠,包括计算,通信和传感。

Conventional digital computing stores and processes information as digital bits that each have two states, 0 or 1, so its capacity to describe digital states increases linearly with the number of bits. Quantum computing stores and processes quantum objects called “qubits” (quantum bits) which can occupy superpositions of two states, 0 or 1.

That subtle-seeming difference means that digital bits can have only one of two possible values, but qubits can have many more values because quantum processes can superpose their two quantum states in many ways as long as they maintain coherence, which as shown inFigure 1means that the superposition can be anywhere on the surface of the sphere at right. Thus their capacity increases exponentially, so a line of 50 individual ion qubits trapped in a vacuum could represent up to 250(about 1.125 × 1015)可能的量子态。

Quantum computers are not going to replace digital computers for balancing your checkbook or doing arithmetic. But quantum computers could excel at other types of processing that don’t come easily on digital computers because their quantum processing power increases exponentially with the number of qubits. That promises major advances in applications, including “simulating nuclear and high-energy physics; designing new chemicals, materials, and drugs; breaking common cryptographic codes; and performing more speculative tasks such as modeling, machine learning, pattern recognition, and optimizing hard logistical problems such as controlling the electric energy grid or traffic control systems,” Raymer and two colleagues wrote in the journal科学1

Computing Challenges

Quantum computers are much more vulnerable than digital ones to errors arising from noise and failure to maintain coherence. The “quality” of quantum bits depends on their isolation from the rest of the world needed to avoid overwhelming the signal with noise. So far, many groups have demonstrated qubits and simple types of quantum computing. In October 2019, Google claimed it had achieved “quantum supremacy” (solving a problem no classical digital computer could solve) with an array of 53 tunable qubits.2


Many types of qubits have been demonstrated, and their performance differs widely. Many consider the most versatile to be semiconductor devices made by photolithography, but they must be cooled very close to absolute zero to maintain coherence. Google’s Sycamore system operated at 20 mK; other semiconductor qubits operated at up to 100 mK. In April 2020, two separate groups reported using spin resonance in silicon to make qubits operable above 1 K,3这可能会大大简化冷却要求。新南威尔士大学(澳大利亚悉尼)的一名高温在库特奇(Qutech)和德尔夫特(Delft)技术大学(荷兰代尔夫特(Delft))达到1.1 K. 1.1 K.4

被困在静电陷阱中并由激光耦合的原子离子也可以用作量子。许多团体在该领域工作,主张是多种多样的。IONQ(马里兰州大学公园)在其网站上声称拥有79个QUAT的最大阵列记录,但没有列出详细信息。52018年,量子光学和量子信息研究所(奥地利维也纳)和同事的本·兰尼(Ben Lanyon)报告了20 Quitbits,这是最大的完全可控的,纠缠的系统。6In March 2020, Honeywell (Charlotte, N.C.) claimed a record “quantum volume” benchmark of 64 using four ion-trapped qubits cooled to 12.6 K.7Figure 2shows the ion trap apparatus. Honeywell says its advantage was “having the highest-quality fully connected qubits with the lowest error rates.” The company plans a commercial version in later this year.8

D-Wave Systems (Burnaby, BC, Canada) already sells a quantum computer with 2000 supercomputing qubits, but outside observers say the qubits have limited connectivity and very short coherent times, and have yet to demonstrate entanglement to everyone’s satisfaction.9Xanadu(加拿大多伦多,安大略省多伦多)使用集成的光子学来制作产生挤压光的光子量子量,并将其用于量子计算和量子机学习。10PsiQuantum (Palo Alto,Calif.) is fabricating silicon photonic qubits in a conventional semiconductor lab, and says on its website “Error correction is at the center of everything we do.”11这些不同的平台似乎都可能找到自己的硬件最合适的位置。

Quantum Sensing

Development barriers are lowest for quantum sensing, so it is likely to be the first quantum technology to be widely deployed, says Chris Haimberger, technology manager of Toptica-USA (Farmington, N.Y.). Indeed, NIST already has reported an amazingly precise systematic uncertainty of 9.4 × 10-19基于铝-27离子过渡的量子逻辑光谱的原子钟。12

Quantum atomic interferometers can sense gravity and acceleration for navigating without GPS or for geological exploration. Quantum sensing can functionally image molecules on a nanometer scale, assess strain within materials, and measure magnetic fields in, for example, living cells.

Lasers can excite atoms with the high precision needed to create excited Rydberg states, which are just below the ionization threshold, and very sensitive to electric or magnetic fields. “Most of the sensors are much more about very precise control of the system than entanglement,” says Haimberger. Rydberg Technologies (Ann Arbor, MI) is offering radio-frequency field probes serving as optical frequency trackers.

Quantum Communications and the Quantum Internet




Quantum state teleportation has stringent requirements, but it helps realize the potential of quantum computing and sensing. Encoding qubits as entangled photons would allow sharing their states to distribute quantum-computing tasks between locations. Quantum entanglement also offers a physical guarantee of security because it allows detection of eavesdropping. That enables secure distribution of a quantum key, which recipients could use to securely encrypt and decrypt a message.


纠缠的光子可以通过光纤在信号变得太弱而无法可靠地检测到可靠的光纤之前通过光纤传输。他们可以在自由空间中走得更远。In 2017, a group led by Jian-Wei Pan, a physicist at the University of Science and Technology of China (Shanghai) stretched transmission of entangled photons to 1200 km by sending them from China’s Micius satellite through free space to a pair of ground stations, as shown inFigure 313Too few photons got through for practical use, but the test helped stimulate U.S. support for the NQI.

Last summer, DoE tested transmission of entangled photons through 50 km of fiber linking its Argonne and Fermi National Laboratories in Illinois as a first step toward a “quantum Internet” linking its labs. DoE is working with NASA on plans for satellite-based tests using a technique called “entanglement swapping” using very precisely timed pulses of entangled photon states.14One or two satellites would be based in low- or medium-Earth orbit, so signals could sweep across continents to connect with many locations.


One example is using a cluster of about 10 photons to encode a qubit, and when one photon is lost, intercept the remaining ones, detect what was lost, and restore a copy of it. The idea is to be able to restore the missing photon without knowing the original quantum state it represented, but Raymer says it is still far from full implementation.

Plans and Progress



进步令人鼓舞,但量子技术仍处于早期阶段。“在两到五年内,我们将拥有量子计算机,可以做一些有用的事情,” Toptica-Usa的首席执行官马克·托尔伯特(Mark Tolbert)说,他积极参与QED-C和NQI。Honeywell,Ionq,Google和其他人已经展示了设备,但他说他们“仍在试图弄清楚他们能对其做些什么。”

The mainstream view, Tolbert says, is that more general use of quantum computers is 10 to 20 years away. He says quantum sensing is likely to come first, followed by quantum communications, where he has seen been major advances in the past six months. Raymer thinks the full suite of technology may take 20 to 30 years to mature.

回顾20到30年,您可以看到互联网的诞生,以及56 kbit/s调制解调器似乎很快,我们认为到家的大型范围会很快。期待这么远,您可以期待信息技术的另一个转变。


1. C. Monroe, M. G. Raymer, and J. Taylor,科学, 364, 440–442 (May 3, 2019); doi:10.1126/science.aax0578.

2. F. Arute等人,Nature,574,505–510(2019);https://bit.ly/hechtref2

3. C. H. Yang等人,Nature,580,350–354(2020年4月16日);https://bit.ly/hechtref3

4. L. Petit et al.,Nature、580、355 - 359(2020年4月16日);https://go.nature.com/2ztwrm3


6. B. Lanyon等人,物理。修订版X,8,021012(2018年4月10日);https://bit.ly/hechtref6


8. Seehttps://bit.ly/hechtref8

9. C. Bruzewicz,J。Chiaverini,R。McConnell和J. M. Sage,应用。物理。修订版,6,021314(2019)。

10. Seehttps://bit.ly/hechtref10


12. S. M. Brewer等人,物理。修订版Lett., 123, 033201 (Jul. 15, 2019);https://bit.ly/hechtref12

13. J. Yin等人,科学,356,6343,1140–1144(2017年6月16日);doi:10.1126/science.aan3211。

14. D. Oberhaus, “NASA’s plan to turn the ISS into a Quantum Laser Lab,”Technology Review(2020年4月22日);https://bit.ly/hechtref14

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