促销fig1 Qualcomm复杂性4 G5 G 01 D


Feb. 10, 2021

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  • 智能手机行业如何通过5G转变。
  • 5G如何使RF设计复杂化。
  • 如何驯服5G RF复杂性。

借助多Gigabit 5G速度,可靠性,安全性和超低延迟,5G推出将影响全世界的消费者,企业,政府和机构,从而改变我们所知道的每个行业和生活。实际上,根据IHS Markit的最新数据,5G价值链将支持2280万个就业机会,并在2035年提供3.8万亿美元的经济产出。

对5G智能手机的需求激增 -Qualcomm预计到2022年将发货超过7.5亿个5G智能手机,到2023年将加速竞赛10亿5G连接,超过两年的4G采用。这些令人眼花stat的统计数据背后是一个艰巨的挑战:驯服复杂性,因为需要新的智能手机来支持传统2G/3G/4G和许多新的5G频带,例如Sub-6-GHz和MMWave。这样的功能最终将有助于提供更广泛的覆盖范围,多格比亚的速度以及高速互联网访问移动设备以及许多新细分市场,例如汽车,基础架构,连通性和工业物联网。

采用5 g将使许多行业fast track their digital transformation, leading to better efficiencies and competitiveness. However, 5G is much more complex than previous generations. Smartphone OEMs and new wireless providers offering 5G solutions can no longer rely on component-centric approaches to meet customer expectations. To reap the full benefits of 5G, OEMs must look to a complete modem-to-antenna system solution.


The promise of delivering 5G globally can only be realized by taming RF front-end (RFFE) complexity in 5G devices. In the early stages of 4G, there were just 16 RF band carrier aggregation combinations. By contrast, we expect over 10,000 band combinations with 5G in the next few years alone, a complexity tsunami that has a direct impact on the design, assembly, and certification of 5G smartphones.

From modem to antenna, new 5G mobile devices must dance between myriad frequency bands and RF technologies, including MIMO (4x4 DL, 2x2 UL); Dynamic Spectrum Sharing (DSS); E-UTRAN New Radio – Dual Connectivity (EN-DC); beamsteering; carrier aggregation; and mmWave.

Moreover, the RFFE is a tangled web of existing and new low-, mid-, and high-spectrum bands, unlicensed bands (CBRS, etc.), navigation technologies, and short-range connectivity solutions including Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth. A broad range of RF technologies and frequency bands will demand a host of new filters/power amplifiers/low-noise amplifiers on the smartphone RFFE architecture, allowing 5G smartphones to tune all of these frequencies simultaneously, precisely, and with less disturbance while requiring minimum battery power consumption.


Another hurdle is the diverse array of antennas required for the precise tuning of the many new bands/technologies entering the marketplace. Today, we typically work with eight to 10 antennas (on a premium 5G phone we can expect 10 antennas), whereas the initial 4G/5G phones supported six antennas.

Finally, all of these components must be elegantly squeezed into ever-shrinking 5G form factors and extensively tested globally to deliver the best modem-to-antenna RF quality. This will help ensure your phone seamlessly works wherever you are around the world.

Why Move to a Complete Modem-to-Antenna Solution?

Though the complexity labyrinth can be challenging to navigate, here are six reasons why OEMs and new wireless vendors should move to a complete modem-to-antenna solution:

  1. 完整的解决方案通过受益于硬件软件共同设计优势来最大化设备的系统性能。这会带来更好的用户体验 - 数据速度,覆盖范围,响应能力,较少的拨打电话,更光滑的设备 - 同时降低设备功耗。
  2. With a proven modem-to-antenna solution, OEMs and wireless vendors can spend less time on hardware integration and testing, focusing more on the industrial design and user interface, creating better products.
  3. 更快地集成了新的5G技术和用例。
  4. 预先烘焙的全面解决方案有助于减轻OEM的研发负担,同时降低5G开发,设计,组装和生产的成本。
  5. Reduces time for device testing and certification for operators around the world.
  6. Simplifies the modem-RF procurement process.




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