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。。。。。。>> 2021 Electronic Design Forecasts
- 这impacts of COVID-19 and China’s semiconductor push on the health of the chip market.
- Three very different ways that the market could evolve.
In the past, such events occurred no more often than once every 15 years or so: 1971, 1986, then 2001. Recently, though, they have been more frequent, with the Global Financial Collapse hitting semiconductors in 2009 and the U.S.-China Trade War causing important shortages in 2018.
Our first scenario guesses that 2021’s chip market will suffer no greater impact from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic than it did in 2020. Last year’s market statistics haven’t yet been reported, but it appears likely that revenues will show 6% growth. Can we expect similar growth in 2021? In this “best-case” scenario, 6% growth is perhaps even low. Growth in 2021 could even exceed 15%!
在过去的几年中,资本支出已经足够低,可以防止2021年的产能过剩。GlobalFoundries,Samsung,TSMC和UMC等铸造厂以及几个较小的竞争对手已经报告了容量短缺,并且领导IDMS都经历了Easters Easters Easters Easters Easters Easters Easter Easter Easter Easter erase Easter Easter Easter act紧密度或健康的供需平衡。由于2019年的资本支出并没有超过2018年,因此这种情况似乎可以持续到下面列出的其他外部因素不会损害市场。
这semiconductor market is legendary for its revenue swings, but a deeper dive into the figures shows that almost all of the market’s mood swings occur in the commodity memory businesses. The largest of these are DRAM and NAND flash. These chips’ share of total semiconductor revenues usually varies between 20% and 30%, depending on whether they’re selling at a profit or a loss.
第二种自然情景猜测,当前的Covid-19大流行可能导致经济崩溃,类似于2008 - 9年全球金融崩溃。
价格可以下降多远?半导体市场中两个最大的商品是Dram和Nand Flash。目前,DRAM利润率超过40%,而NAND Flash芯片利润率平均约为10%。这意味着,如果发生崩溃,DRAM价格将下跌40%,NAND价格下跌10%。如果我们将这些数字驱动到上面使用的同一半导体预测中,则根据实际崩溃的实际时机,我们的收入下降高达4.5%:倒塌的时间较长,其对当年收入的影响越小。这是一个滑动量表。
Since 2015, China’s government has been pushing to make its contract manufacturing and other electronic businesses less dependent on externally supplied semiconductors. The在中国制造2025年Initiative积累了超过1000亿美元的基金,以开发生产设施,这些设施将为中国记忆用户提供大量要求。
Memories have been chosen since they are commodities: All memory chip makers’ DRAM and NAND flash chips behave the same, so a new supplier can take market share from established players simply by offering a similar chip at a better price. (This is all explained in great detail in the Objective Analysis report titled “中国的记忆野心。”)
这se efforts aren’t progressing as well as had been hoped. China’s major NAND flash maker, YMTC, has been shipping small volumes of product for over a year, but it’s far from becoming the mainstream supplier that it had hoped for by 2020. The country’s DRAM players are even farther behind.
For the past few years, Objective Analysis has projected that China’s memory companies would abandon their efforts to produce an internally developed technology in 2020 and would sign technology agreements with leading memory chip vendors within 2020 to become important suppliers in 2021. Those agreements have yet to be announced, delaying these manufacturers’ rise to prominence in the market.
一旦这些公司开始做一个有意义的公司ntribution to the market, an oversupply will develop, causing prices to fall to cost. As with Scenario 2, NAND prices would fall by about 10% and DRAM prices by over 40%. Since these are supplied by different companies that are at different stages of tooling, the timing of a DRAM collapse will be later than the NAND flash price collapse.
这earliest that a NAND flash price collapse could begin is the second half of 2021. At the very earliest, a DRAM collapse would occur in the fourth quarter.
- 经济保持健康,中国的生产商仍在背景下,半导体市场增长了15%。
- 这COVID-19 pandemic causes a global financial collapse that, depending on its timing, could cause the semiconductor market to decline by as much as 4.5%, depending on when in the year that global financial collapse occurs.
- Covid不会引起任何影响,但是中国的记忆芯片生产商进入市场,以产生过度供应,最高增长到最高5%。