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Apple, Google Enter the AR Fray


Augmented reality (AR)can be implemented in a number of ways. One of the primary approaches is to use AR glasses; another is to use a tablet or smartphone equipped with a camera (e.g., games like神奇宝贝去)。从根本上讲,这两种方法旨在提供与计算机生成的内容覆盖现实的看法。

可能会认为Apple’s new ARKitandGoogle的ARCORE将从AR遗忘中挽救开发人员,但是快速浏览会突出显示针对已经可用的一系列平台的大量AR选项。像Apple和Google这样的重型击球手都不会受到伤害,但是Microsoft和Intel之类的人已经击中了Ar Gong。同样,解决方案喜欢范围AR工作链接(图。1)have been available for a number of years.

Google还一直在与Google Glass合作,该玻璃消失了一段时间,但又回到了工业工具(图2)。这项工作与其街区之间的主要区别是目标受众。Google Glass硬件实际上与与客户直接合作的Google解决方案提供商的软件配对。

Apple的Arkit和Google的Arcore Target IOS和Android开发人员分别是智能手机。这些看起来是利用由iOS和Android主导的大量智能手机人群。同样,即使是中型智能手机也配备了高分辨率相机,这些相机与AR解决方案融为一体。当然,Apple和Google的产品强调了AR的重要性。

“ Google和Apple的AR技术令人兴奋,并确认了我们自成立之前就对Meta所相信的:增强现实是下一个计算机的范式,”开发人员关系负责人David Oh说。。“我们正在与开发人员紧密合作,以设计最有效,最直观的AR应用程序,符合Meta刚刚发布的空间设计指南。一旦这些应用提供了无缝,自然和富有成效的体验,我们很高兴看到这些高质量的应用程序将在眼镜上的快速和轻松,并推动整个行业前进。”

苹果的Arkit(图3)使用视觉惯性进程(VIO)来跟踪iPad或iPhone摄像头看到的内容,并允许将内容映射到屏幕呈现上。它使用核心运动框架在这些设备中使用内置传感器系统。当然,这是在任何AR框架或软件开发套件(SDK)中完成的类型类型。这只是使用不同命名法的问题。在这一点上,ARKIT需要Apple A9和A10处理器,该处理器是Apple硬件的最新版本。支持将在iOS 11和XCode 9开发工具中找到。

Google的ARCOREtargets Google Android(图4)。Arcore是AR空间的相对新来者。它的一些细节有点稀疏。像Arkit一样,它支持Unity和Unity等第三方游戏引擎。这是生成3D图像以在AR模式下覆盖虚拟图像的关键。

ARKit and ARCore have the advantage over third-party solutions because of their integration with the operating system. Likewise, this support will come as part of the operating system package versus an application. This, in theory, will provide potential integration of multiple AR apps in the future.

AR SDKs typically hide much of the underlying complexity of sensor integration, scene analysis, and so on. Applications can then utilize this information and merge it with 2D and 3D content that is then displayed and manipulated by application users. This may sound simple but is actually quite complex, as details like lighting need to be taken into account.

Likewise, many AR applications do not simply overlay information but require that this information be positioned based on camera images. This requires image recognition and scene analysis. This can require significant amounts of computing power, and even人工智能和机器学习come into play, as these tools are used to recognize items in a scene and even the relationship between objects.

ARKit and ARCore work within their respective programming platforms and frameworks. This allows access to other app development support from buttons to gesture recognition, since the AR aspect will not be the only part of the app that a user will work with. These SDKs also work with other 3D tools that already exist, such as Apple’s SceneKit (which supports 3D animation) and SpriteKit (which handles 2D animation).

我确实提到过,还有其他解决方案 - 包括Microsoft和Intel的支持 - 但这里还有一些具有跨平台支持的SDK和插件,包括iOS和Android:Artookkit,,,,Easyar,,,,库丹,,,,Maxst,,,,Vuforia,,,,Wikitude, 和xzimg。Many include additional features like face recognition.

All of these can be used to create AR games and applications, but they will require a significant amount of coding and understanding of the SDK to deliver an AR application. Developers will need to know whether they want to work at this level or work at customizing an existing solution like Scope AR’s WorkLink.



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