IEEE能量转换国会&博览会有限公司ming to “Motor City” with its annual five-day conference. This pivotal international conference and exposition event is co-sponsored by the IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS) and the IEEE Industrial Application Society (IAS) on October 9-13 in Detroit, Michigan. ECCE 2022 brings together a multidisciplinary group of researchers, engineers, students, and professionals from the broad spectrum of energy conversion as we provide the world’s largest podium for presenting breakthrough ideas and the latest advances in the fields of electrical and electromechanical energy conversion systems and technologies.
ECCE 2022在广泛的环境中实现知识交流,包括经过同行评审的技术演示文稿,特别小组会议,互动式城镇大厅会议,教程以及全体会议和博览会。ECCE会议的一个区别是,它提供了对集成系统的强烈重视,它在应用的集成系统研究中提供了最佳的,以及个人能量转换组件的创新。
这一切都将发生在底特律的心脏亨廷顿广场. This brand new vibrant convention center is located near the number #1 rankedRiverwalk在美国!它包括723,000平方英尺的展览空间,一级活动技术服务,密歇根州最大的宴会和活动场地以及绿色活动服务。这个绿色设施通过不断努力调查,验证和实施整个设施的新的,创新的绿色计划,展示了其对社区环境管理的承诺。此外,他们制定了旨在教育其员工,供应商,客户,合作伙伴和访客的计划,了解环境可持续性的重要性。凭借如此宏伟的空间,参展商和与会者将发现环境很舒适,并提供最终的机会来展示最先进的技术,产品和解决方案,同时在与海报会话和海报会议和海报会话混合时创建高度交互式的网络环境在同一楼层的学生示威。
Another area attraction and opportunity to network includes an industry reception hosted at the亨利·福特博物馆. All admission costs have been paid for anyone who registers for the conference. Additionally, there will be selected tours for attendees to enjoy and experience. Come mingle with the leading experts in their field while stepping into a world where past innovations fuel the imagination of generations to come. There is something for everyone.
The IEEE’s Women in Engineering (WiE) is partnering with ECCE to present several events designed for female attendees including special sessions, breakfast and a can’t miss Monday night event! They’re also offering an attendance reimbursement for part of the registration expenses ($200-$400 each) associated with the conference. The amount reimbursed depends on the registration type. To learn more, visitWie的信息页面在ECCE的网站上。
Anyone interested in future progress of electrical and electromechanical energy conversion should not miss it.