ElectronicDesign 24817 NeuralStick2促销


技术编辑比尔·王(Bill Wong)在动手实践后对英特尔的最新神经计算棒2进行了评估。

英特尔的latest Neural Compute Stick (NCS) 2(图。1)arrived the other day and I was looking forward to plugging it in and see how it compared to its earlier incarnation. The original我尝试的神经计算棒有一个无数的VPU(视频处理单元)。该芯片合并了一对RISC CPU和十二个专业矢量128位VLIW剃须(流式混合体系结构矢量发动机)处理器,设计用于机器学习(ML)推理杂货,并倾向于图像处理。该芯片有十二个相机输入,但是这些相机并未在原始棒上暴露。

1.英特尔的神经计算棒2插入USB 3插座,并带有Movidius Myriad X芯片。

NCS 2还插入USB 3插座。它确实有newer Myriad X chip。这种芯片是在许多正在朝着避免障碍物和物体识别的商业无人机中发现的。

The Myriad X VPU(图2)包括相同类型的VLIW剃须处理器,但它的数字可达16个。它也具有相同的32位RISC处理器。MIPI车道的数量也增加到16个,可以支持八台HD摄像机。但是,像原始棍子一样,版本2不会将它们暴露于外界。所有数据都通过USB连接。


The Myriad X can deliver 4 TOPS of performance, with the DNN engine contributing a quarter of that. The hardware accelerators include things like hardware encode and decode of H.264 and Motion JPEG, as well as a warp engine for handling a fish-eye lens, dense optical flow, and stereo depth perception. The latter can manage 720p streams at 180 frames/s.

有一个450 gb / s智能织物和记忆2.5 MB of on-chip memory that forms a multiport memory system linked to all major functions on the system. This minimizes data movement that’s often required on other systems.


无数X和NCS 2得到了英特尔的支持OpenVino工具包OpenVINO, which stands for Open Visual Inference and Neural network Optimization, is an open-source project. It includes the Deep Learning Deployment Toolkit and Open Model Zoo. The latter is a repository for pre-trained models and demos that are also provided as part of Intel’s OpenVINO incarnation.

英特尔的OpenVino支持不仅针对NCS 2,还针对FPGA,CPU和GPU机器学习解决方案。它可以与许多也用于创建演示的ML框架的型号一起使用。

英特尔为NCS 2提供了Windows和Linux实现。我尝试了两者,两者之间的区别实际上几乎没有安装。演示通常是面向命令行的,包括预训练的模型或样本输入数据。一些人利用USB摄像头的输入流,视频通过USB链接到NCS 2的链接。

The support is more extensive than when I looked at the original NCS, and the install is a bit more polished. Of course, the performance is significantly better with the Myriad X. The Python APIs also have better documentation. The latest OpenVINO release works with the NCS and NCS 2.


For those who were using the original NCS SDK, a very good article to check out is “从Intel Movidius神经计算SDK过渡到OpenVino Toolkit的英特尔分布。”这也是NCS 2的良好概述,包括如何在单个系统上使用多个NCS 2设备。此外,该文章还链接到使用虚拟机和Docker图像。


知道Python绝对有帮助,因为这似乎是神经网络框架的首选语言。英特尔的开发人员区有许多有用的文章,这些文章是交联的,但没有集中的工作地点。尽管如此,许多文章都喜欢优化英特尔神经计算棒2(英特尔NCS 2)的网络can be found on the site that provide in-depth details about how to program the NCS 2.

I didn’t try the NCS 2 on the Raspberry Pi 3, but it will work with other platforms that run Ubuntu and have USB 3 support.


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