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Skyfall -James Bond在五十岁比以往任何时候都好

Oct. 17, 2012
技术编辑比尔·王(Bill Wong)对丹尼尔·克雷格(Daniel Craig)主演的詹姆斯·邦德(James Bond)系列电影中的最新电影《天空之情》(Skyfall)表示了自己的看法。这是第一部电影的50周年。

Fifty years ago Sean Connery hit the silver screen in Dr. No as the sauve James Bond, Agent 007 with a license to kill. I was hooked when I saw this film and have seen every one since multiple times. I had all available at the time on laser disk eventually moving to DVDs and now Blu-Ray so I am definitely a fan.

I was lucky enough to be able to preview索尼图片最新的邦德电影,Skyfall, starring Daniel Craig and directed by Sam Mendes. I will not give away any of the plot and I will let other critics handle the movie's content but this is one film you need to see. If you are a Bond fan then try very hard not to learn anything about the film until you see it. It is worth the wait. Skyfall is one of the best films of the series if not the number one to date.

Director Sam Mendes and producers Michael Wilson and Barbara Broccoli have crafted a film that is new and timely as it is reminiscent. Bond's classic阿斯顿·马丁DB5(图1)makes an appearance and not just as a slick looking car. It first appeared in Goldfinger in 1964.

Figure 1. Bond's iconinc Aston Martin DB5 makes a reappearance in Skyfall.

我遇到了一位在原始的阿斯顿·马丁斯(Aston Martins)工作的人之一,以较早的邦德电影。实际上,他们有许多不同的实例,用于不同的场景,提供了不同的功能,从油脂和烟雾到弹出式座椅和机枪。我不确定,但是我敢打赌,这部电影中至少有几辆汽车,因为它们确实在一个场景中略微刮擦了油漆。

这给我带来了我真正想要的about Skyfall because I have been looking at movie making technology for awhile. Movies like Prometheus (seePrometheus乘坐尖端VFX技术飞行)和惊人的蜘蛛侠(请参阅蜘蛛侠在虚拟3D世界中摆动)已经利用了数字和3D技术的进步来提供壮观的电影。它需要在录音和交付方面的技术,尽管价格明显更低,而且成本继续下降,但并不便宜。

对于某些电影(例如,许多场景都来自这个世界之外),CGI(计算机生成的图像)​​的使用是广泛的,对电影的成功至关重要。Sam Mendes在Skyfall中使用更多传统的相机作品,而不是严重依赖CGI(图2)。这部电影是为IMAX拍摄的,但不是3D。我认为,即使有一系列特殊效果和动作场景,3D也不会为这部电影增加太多。

Figure 2. Sam Mendes employs digital cameras but used more conventional camera work in Skyfall instead of relying heavily on CGI.

This is not to say that Skyfall is devoid of CGI or heavy use of technology in the shooting the movie. Still, there was a good bit of mechanical special effects under the pervue of Chris Colbould, Special Effects Supervisor and Miniature Effects Supervisor, that needed CGI to deliver the final product.

For example, there is a scene with a train crash where a full set was actually built. Two full size train carriages were built for the scene. They weighed several tons. Ten remote controlled cameras were used to record the scene and no one was allowed on the set for safety reasons because those train cars were literally crashing through the set. It is a miracle of CGI that Bond survives the episode.



索尼还提供了有关这部电影的其他有趣事实,因为准备工作和现场有些不同。山姆·门德斯(Sam Mendes)实际上让演员们在准备中进行了完整的阅读。Sam做了很多舞台作品,并将这些专业知识带入了屏幕。

The cast actually received live weapons training before filming. They burned through 200,000 rounds of ammunition. Patrice, one of the characters, actually uses a GLOCK 18 that holds 100 rounds and can spit them all out in five seconds.


因此,一定要查看Skyfall。扮演拉乌尔·席尔瓦(Raoul Silva)的哈维尔·巴德姆(Javier Bardem)是一位令人难忘而令人困扰的对手。Ben Whishaw是新的Q,任何喜剧都是次要的。寻找未来的外观和与纽带的更多化学反应。

Q provides Bond with two rather basic items that get some use but Q's interaction in this film is much more extensive. Likewise, it is Q's computer expertise that inadvertently helps the bad guys and eventually the good guys in the long run.

最后,我喜欢这部电影的原因之一是,这不仅仅是詹姆斯·邦德(James Bond)。Judi Dench提供了M的演绎,对情节比过去更广泛,更重要。

邦德的女孩娜奥米·哈里斯(Naomie Harris)饰演夏娃(Eve)和贝雷尼斯·马洛(Berenice Marlohe),饰演Severine。我们只想说,下一部电影将会出现。



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