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FreeTheTech Finds 5,784 Inventions Suppressed by U.S. Government Secrecy Orders

Sept. 15, 2018
The organization is looking to spread awareness of the suppression and bring greater transparency by creating a citizen review panel to assess the classified patents.

As reported last month via PRNewswire, over5,000 inventionsare being suppressed via the U.S. Government's classified patent program, according to official data obtained under a recent Freedom of Information Act request by the Federation of American Scientists. This means literally thousands of potentially ground-breaking inventions and technologies are being withheld from the public.

A new project calledFreeTheTech.orgbased in Austin, Texas is raising awareness of the issue through a variety of means, including its new website, a petition on Change.org, and a Billboard fundraising program. Their primary goal is simply to make the public aware that many potentially useful technologies are being suppressed, while their secondary goal is to audit the program via a citizen review panel.

What exactly is contained within the government's archive of 5,784 classified patents has been the source of rampant speculation for decades. However, a recent leak from theCategory List of 1971finally provides some real-world insight as categories from it include: Power Supply, Meteorology, Propulsion Systems, and Unique Materials & Devices. Interestingly, leaked data from the Power Supply section shows that modern-day solar-panel technology was being restricted some 50 years ago. As a result, one can only imagine what’s being suppressed today.

The origin of the government's program is theInvention Secrecy Act of 1951, which evolved invention secrecy from a temporary wartime agenda into a permanent one. As a result, every time a patent is submitted by an inventor today, it can beflagged for reviewby a multitude of government agencies. All it takes is a single opinion by one of them to keep the invention from ever seeing the light of day.

Patents can be restricted not only for being a national security threat, but also for disrupting economic stability. This means that any number of potentially ground-breaking inventions that challenge the status quo may be restricted and suppressed. FreeTheTech.org's aim is to end all of the speculation by forming a citizen review panel consisting of both experts and general citizens alike. They would independently, yet privately, review all classified patents to yield greater transparency and accountability.

"While promoting our Campaign onFacebook," says project founder Benjamin Cohen, "we've had numerous users assume we're spreading false information due to their own lack of research into this subject matter. While we certainly understand their initial skepticism, the fact remains that this data comes directly from the government itself." Cohen points to theUS Patent and Trademark Office's response letterto FOIA Request# F-18-00003, which revealsupdated 2017 data目前新的图的5784项专利nder secrecy orders.

For more information, visit the project's main website atwww.FreeTheTech.org.

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