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This article is part of电子设计的70周年系列。


  • The third leg of an engineering career.
  • How to keep up-to-date.
  • 您可能缺少什么。

I remember the first time I discovered电子设计杂志。我是一名年轻的工程师,直接在休斯顿的政府分包商工作。我的工作是支持该公司的遥测设备,主要是在White Sands导弹系列。

One afternoon, I was exploring my new office space and found a stack ofed书架上的杂志。它们是奇怪的,而不是通常的8-1/2-×11英寸。格式。这些是正方形的,更像是11×11 Inc。我度过了一个下午。哇,我发现了一群信息!


I remember another young engineer saying, “Lou I need to design a small amplifier and I know how to do that, but what transistor do I use?” (one more thing we did not learn in school). Reading current magazines, you see lots of circuits and after a while, you often realize that particular types of transistors or ICs are used again and again. So, you reach for one of those, or you ask your parts manager what the company has on hand.

Earlier Days of Electronic Design Magazine

无论如何,ed问题涉及最新的行业新闻和萤火虫ed a very popular feature called设计想法(IFD)。读者使用简单的公共零件发送了巧妙的电路。当时没有很多IC,因此当您不知道从哪里开始时,这些电路非常适合进行设计。



The rep was the salesperson who brought you the latest catalogs, datasheets, app notes, or a free sample of the part. Some reps even left you with a handshake and your hand smelling of men’s cologne that was popular back in those days.



事实证明,电子设计继续提供全部或部分自由。没有更多的宾果卡;您必须去互联网才能获取今天的大多数内容。幸运的是edis one of the few industry magazines to still offer a印刷版。直到今天,许多读者更喜欢打印。

The magazine is one of the best resources for an engineer. It provides a link to almost everything you need to do your job. It forms the third leg of an engineer’s education and capability: college theory and math, on the job experience, and the magazine’s link to a dazzling array of design data, news, ads, and inspiration. The magazine is the way you keep up-to-date with the latest technology, parts, and the competition.ed甚至支持供应商网络研讨会


I wish that all EE students could get a subscription to电子设计。这些出版物填补了大学教育中存在的空白。没有人弄清楚如何为大学生提供免费杂志。




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