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Data Server Speed Promo


“Make it go faster” seems to be the mantra overriding much of the electronics industry these days. Lou Frenzel presents 11 keys to achieving that goal.


  • 11 essentials to focus on when trying to increase data-rate speeds.
  • 处理带宽约束。
  • 调制和MIMO方法。

What’s the one dominating factor driving virtually all electronic new product design today? To some it might be low power consumption, but it’s not too difficult to identify higher speeds and faster data rates as the main objective guiding most new ICs, equipment, systems, and technology development.

年复一年year, all electronic devices just keep getting faster. Memory speed, processor speed, Wi-Fi, and other communications data rates continue to rise. Tom Cruise’s character Maverick in the popular 1980s movie壮志凌云stated in this blog’s headline what we all feel about electronics today.

We like higher speeds because we hate to wait. In our instant gratification society, we want split-second video downloads, lower-latency everything, and no waiting for whatever the application. The whole industry has responded with a continuous stream of faster products. And that speed quest continues.

How do we make data go faster? Just out of curiosity as an intellectual exercise, I’ve summarized the factors that I could think of to achieve higher communications data rates, for whatever it’s worth:

1.Bandwidth and the communications medium.可用的有线和无线媒体决定了您可以走的速度。对于电线数据传输,我们使用改变类型的介质,如双绞线,同轴电缆和光纤电缆。所有这些都具有确定可用于快速数据的带宽的上频率限制。


2.Constrained by physics.The Shannon-Hartley law states the relationship between bandwidth and data rate:

C = 2B

这里C是信道容量或串行数据率in bits per second and B is the bandwidth in hertz. It says that with a bandwidth of 3,000 Hz, you can have a maximum data rate of 2(3,000) = 6,000 bits per second. Data rate C is determined by the bit time (t) in a serial data stream or C = 1/t. Of course, this is all theoretical and assumes a perfect medium and no noise. If noise is present, the data rate will be even less.

3.The effect of noise.Here’s the complete Shannon-Hartley law:

C = B日志2(1 + S/N)


4.Boosting data rate in a fixed bandwidth.通过窄频道获得每秒的更多位的流行方式是使用将位转换为符号的编码类型。符号是使用多电压电平,多个相移,多个频率偏移的信号,或类似方案的组合来表示相同符号间隔内的两个或更多个比特。应用这些方案时,可以在较窄的带宽中实现更高的数据速率:

C = 2B日志2N

where N is the number of symbol levels used. Examples include:

  • 8PAM uses eight voltage levels, with each level representing three bits—000 through 111—for a data rate that’s 3X the symbol rate.
  • 4FSK利用四种不同的频率,每个频率表示两个位。对于所使用的每个频率,传输两位,数据速率加倍。

5。Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).数据链路的可行性或其效率由误码率(BER)确定。BER是一秒钟内发生的位错误的数量。对于一个很好的频道,BER低于或优于10-5to 10-11。随着数据速率的增加,比特错误数量增加。这是因为比特电压将通过噪声修改而转换,这使得比特更难识别。然后减少数据速率,随着比噪声转换更高的能量,对BER比特时间变得更长的效果。

6。Forward error correction (FEC).Several methods of detecting and correcting errors on-the-fly have been developed. Adding extra bits to the data stream enables bit errors to be identified and corrected. These methods are either hardware, software, or a combination of the two. The end effect is as if there was an increase in transmit power, thereby permitting higher data rates.

This outcome is referred to as coding gain. For instance, using FEC can produce results equivalent to increasing signal power by 3 db. A 3-dB increase is equivalent to doubling transmit power. As a result, lower BER allows for an increased data rate. The downside is that adding extra bits to the data stream lowers throughput.

7。Spectral efficiency.The way we measure and express how much speed we can get through a given bandwidth is spectral efficiency given in bits per second per Hz. If we measure 780 Mb/s through a 40-MHz channel, the spectral efficiency is 780/40 = 19.5 b/s/Hz.



9.Multiple input, multiple output (MIMO).MIMO takes advantage of multiple transmitters (TX), receivers (RX), and antennas. The data to be transmitted is divided into multiple lower-rate streams and each is transmitted over the same bandwidth to multiple receivers. This process multiplies the data rate by the number antennas and TX/RX paths. A typical arrangement is 4×4 or four TX and four RX.

At higher frequencies, the smaller antennas permit dozens or hundreds to multiple data paths that boost data rate. Add in agile beamforming using phased arrays in the GHz bands that boost power levels, and you can increase data rates even further.


11.组合。在实践中,将上述几种方法组合以实现显着的数据速率。较新版本的Wi-Fi和5G蜂窝使用大多数上述技术以提供高于1 GB / s的数据速率。





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