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Basic Language Promo


Oct. 13, 2020
Before pushing back on what seemingly falls into the unthinkable category, check out the reasons why Lou Frenzel is saying that BASIC deserves another look.


Anyway, over the past several years, I’ve been playing around with a variety of microcontrollers, virtually all of which use C or some variation thereof. I’ve managed to learn C and write some simple programs, but I hate it. I keep thinking back to when I used a lot of BASIC. It did what I wanted and was relatively easy to use.


I learned BASIC back in the early days of personal computers—it’s pretty much all we had. Many of us picked up BASIC early because it was similar in some ways to FORTRAN that many of us learned in college on mainframes. We wrote short programs and long programs and the PC business really took off. I think BASIC made it happen faster because it was easy to learn and use, so many adopted it. Dozens, maybe even hundreds, of books were written about it.

Other languages emerged to replace BASIC. Remember Pascal? It came and went in a few years. Then C arrived from the UNIX people and everyone seemed to gravitate to it. C thus became the de facto programming language of today. Virtually anyone programming microcontrollers learned and adopted C, and most colleges teach it. The mandate is “you will learn C no matter what.” I did, too, but I didn’t like it.

BASIC Permutations

几年后,公司视差引入了基本戳,这是一种带有嵌入式基本解释器的PIC基微控制器。Parallax提供了基本邮票 - 一个小型,便宜,简单的单板微型,其自身的基本风味对于嵌入式项目进行了基本优化。我迷上了这些,做了许多有用的项目。在它再次褪色之前,邮票在几年内保持基础。

Microsoft为Visual Basic提供了基础存在。该公司仍提供全系列的基本产品。当我是一名教授时,在大学教授Visual Basic。然后它褪色了。大多数人不得不做一些编程的人跳到C,今天似乎仍然是占主导地位的。


About that same time, I discovered PICAXE. This is a single-chip PIC microcontroller programmed internally with a BASIC interpreter. You program in BASIC on a PC and then download the program to the 8-pin PIC DIP. This approach lets you do small projects with a single-chip micro. Like the Stamp, the PICAXE allows you to create embedded projects fast and easy with minimal complexity and cost. It would take me two to four times longer using C.

Oh yes, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the once-popular Intel 8052. Basically, it’s a version of the widely used 8051 embedded controllers. The 8052 had an internal BASIC interpreter. I did use it in one project. I don’t think it’s still available.


Language Hopping

一个绕道是我的arduino冒险。正如您可能知道的那样,其语言与C或C ++的语言与所有通常的半冒号和卷曲括号相同。我从来没有得到足够的竞争力,让流行的Arduino使用。


I guess I should mention Java. As widespread as it is, I never did learn it. I did learn HTML at one time, but never used it much. I know that I keep coming back to BASIC because I was successful with it at one time and I know now how to get things done using it on an embedded controller.



Someone asked me “if BASIC was no longer available and I detest C, what language would I use?” My choice is ASSEMBLER. Yes, assembly language. I like it as I can see or at least imagine what’s going on inside the chip. It’s closer to the hardware than anything else.

I first learned assembler on the original Intel 8080 and later did a great deal of work with the Motorola/Freescale 68HC11. More recently, I used the assembler on a TI MSP430 project. If I must program an MCU, I prefer assembler even though sometimes it takes me a bit longer. I know, most of you think I’m nuts for liking something more complex like assembler. By the way, have you ever tried it?

所以,现在,我还是骗取基本and assembler projects. However, I do have an open mind. Perhaps I will eventually give up all of this retro stuff after reading a recent survey.


每一个经常,IEEE的光谱杂志对IEEE成员喜欢编程的相当详细的调查。它排名了55种不同的语言。在列表的顶部是java和c的第二个和第三位。第一是python。惊喜?是的,Python是程序员和工程师的新收藏员。它现在是一个受欢迎的大学课程 - 这是一种学习编程的好语言,就像基本一样。我还没有尝试过,但程序员似乎喜欢它,因为许多单板电脑现在都在嵌入式应用程序中支持一些好的库。也许我们应该尝试一下。




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