
Tubes: Luckily, They’re Still Around

June 8, 2020

This article appeared inMicrowaves & RF并已通过许可发布。

所以,Unicorns不错。但不是真空管。似乎管似乎会完全消失 - 它们仍然和我们在一起,这是一件好事。在过去几周内,我被提醒了几次。

For example, I was scanning the ads for a high-power ham-radio amplifier. Most of the popular transceivers top out at about 100 W. For good long-distance (DX) communications around the world on the high frequency bands (3 to 30 MHz), more power is desired. A number of companies make accessory power amps to boost power level to the FCC legal limit of 1500 W.

Both transistor and tube models are available to choose from. The solid-state amps use multiple RF MOSFETs to get to levels of 500 to 1000 W. These are very expensive. To get to that same power level, you can buy an amp with one or two tubes at about half the price of the transistor model. The old but apparently still good 811 tubes are widely used. And air-cooled tubes like Eimac CX800A7 and Svetlana 4CX800A are other favorites. The tube amps are quite a bargain.


我的其他关于管的提醒正在寻找一个新的吉他放大器。这些都有各种形状和尺寸,功率水平10至20 W至100多W.两管和固态放大器都可用。一些最小的放大器使用类D切换放大器,可以在一个非常小的包装中为您提供大量的电力。

As it turns out, there are more vacuum-tube guitar amps than solid-state amps. Most guitar players, except maybe for a few heavy metal types, prefer the sound of a tube amp. The tube sound is said to be warmer, fat-toned, and organic. It’s a personal thing as the sound difference is subtle. You have to hear the two versions to feel it or “get it.” That difference is real. The tube amps just sound better and louder with nuances.

The most popular tube amps use a pair of EL84 power tubes. These are also known as 6BQ5s. Virtually all are made in the U.K., Russia, and Europe. Like most tubes, they must be replaced every now and then. You can still get replacements for $10 to $20 each. I have also come across vacuum-tube guitar amps that still use the old 6V6 or 6L6 power tubes. I did not know these were still around, but I guess they can be had.

Guitar amps also use tubes in their preamps. Most common among them are the popular dual triodes 12AX7 and 12AU7. Some use ECC83s. There are also hybrid amps with tube preamps and solid-state power amps. You can even buy a solid-state power amp with a DSP feature that makes the amplifier sound like a tube version. Called modeling amps, these programmable units make it possible to create your own unique sound. You can also add effects like delay, tremolo, distortion, reverb, and others.

10至20楼的廉价固态安培售价100至200美元。100 W管放大器可以根据配件销售数千美元。

Vacuum tubes are still a big deal in the guitar world. And much of the appeal of tube amps to guitarists exists in those high-end audio enthusiasts. You can still buy big-buck high-fidelity amps with tubes, and many fans swear by them. It’s easy to identify a high-end audio person and some guitarists by their hearing aids or lack of hearing. Huh….


But that’s not all….

我的另一个关于持续存在真空管的持续存在的形式是新书的形式Artech House标题为Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Vacuum Electron Devicesby A.S Gilmour. This up-to-date 900-pager covers the wide range of available microwave/mmWave vacuum tubes.


If you work with VEDs, you probably should have a copy of this for reference. And if you’re contemplating the use of VEDs, definitely get a copy of this to help you understand and select an appropriate product.

With the demise of the cathode ray tube (CRT) from TV sets and scopes, I figured that the vacuum tube era was over. It definitely is not, and maybe it never will be…completely. Don’t think of tubes as archaic losers to be avoided at all cost but rather as viable alternatives in your new electronic designs.




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