Max78000 Promo


Jan. 4, 2021
Editor Bill Wong takes a look at Maxim Integrated’s MAX78000 microcontroller that includes machine-learning hardware.

What you’ll learn

  • 利用Max78000的机器学习支持有多容易?
  • 什么类型的工具提供MAX78000?

我倾向于每年只做几篇动手文章,因此我寻找开发人员想要检查的尖端平台。Maxim Integrated’sMAX78000 evaluation kitfits in this bucket. The MAX78000 is essentially an Arm Cortex-M4F microcontroller with a lot of hardware around it, including a convolutional-neural-network (CNN) accelerator designed by Maxim(Fig. 1)。This machine-learning (ML) support allows the chip to handle chores like identifying voice keywords or even faces in camera images in real time without busting the power budget.

这chip also includes a RISC-V core that caught my eye. However, the development tools are so new that the RISC-V support is still in the works as the Cortex-M4F is the main processor. Even the CNN support is just out of the beta stage, but that's where this article will concentrate on.

MAX78000具有通常的微控制器外围配置,包括一系列串行端口,计时器和平行串行接口(如i)2S.它甚至具有平行的摄像头界面。在模拟外围设备中,有8通道,10位Sigma-Delta ADC。也有四个比较器。

这chip has large 512-kB flash memory along with 128 kB of SRAM and a boot ROM that allows more complex boot procedures such as secure boot support. There's on-chip key storage as well as CRC and AES hardware support. We will get into the CNN support a little later. TheGithub-based documentationcovers some of the features I outline here in step-by-step detail.

开发工具是免费的,并基于Eclipse, which is the basis for other platforms likeTexas Instruments'Code Composer Studio andSilicon Labs’简单工作室。Maxim并没有做很多自定义,但是足以促进使用Max78000之类的硬件,同时易于使用第三方插件和工具,在处理云或物联网开发环境时,这可能非常方便。默认安装包括示例和教程,可轻松测试CNN硬件和其他外围设备。


这re's a 16-MB QSPI flash chip that can be handy for storing image data. In addition, a USB bridge to the flash chip allows for faster and easier downloads.

这board also adds some useful devices like a digital microphone, a 3D accelerometer, and 3D gyro. Several buttons and LEDs round out the peripherals.

这re are a couple JTAG headers; the RISC-V core has its own. As noted, I didn’t play with the RISC-V core this time around as it's not required for using the CNN support—although it could. Right now, the Maxim tools generate C code for the Cortex-M4F to set up the CNN hardware. The CNN hardware is designed to handle a single model, but it's possible to swap in new models quickly.

As with most ML hardware, the underlying hardware tends to be hidden from most programmers, providing more of a black-box operation where you set up the box and feed it data with results coming out the other end. This works well if the models are available; it's a matter of training them with different information or using trained models. The challenge comes when developing and training new models, which is something I'll avoid discussing here.

I did try out two of the models provided by Maxim, including aKeyword SpottingFace Identification (FaceID)应用。关键字发现应用程序本质上是语音识别系统,可用于侦听关键字以开始基于云的讨论,这是大多数基于Alexa的语音系统的工作方式,因为云在识别关键字后处理所有内容。

On the other hand, being able to recognize a number of different keywords makes it possible to build a voice-based command system, such as those used in many car navigation systems. As usual, the Cortex-M4F handles the input and does a bit of munging to provide suitable inputs to the CNN accelerator(Fig. 2)。检测到的类输出指定识别哪些关键字,如果有的话。然后,应用程序可以利用此信息。

Faceid系统突出显示了Max78000的相机支持(Fig. 3)。这可以用来识别面部或识别在装配线上移动的特定零件。示例应用程序可以使用罐头输入(如图所示)或从相机中运行。



该工具集支持来自TensorFlow和Pytorch等平台的模型(Fig. 4)。这是非常有用的,因为培训不处理the chip, but rather done on platforms like a PC or cloud servers. Likewise, the models can be refined and tested on higher-end hardware to verify the models, which can then be pruned to fit on the MAX78000.

At this point, the CNN accelerator documentation is a bit sparse, as is the RISC-V support. Maxim’s CNN model compiler kicks out C code that drops in nicely to the Eclipse IDE. Debugging the regular application code is on par with other cross-development systems where remote debugging via JTAG is the norm.

Maxim also provides theMAX78000FTHR, the little brother of the evaluation kit(图5),这没有显示屏或其他外围硬件,但是大多数I/O都暴露了。仅董事会只有25美元。该芯片的价格少于15美元。这Github-based documentationprovides more details.

Max78000很有趣。这是支持边缘上ML应用程序的绝佳平台。但是,请注意,虽然这是一个非常低的功率解决方案,但即使是低端也不一样Nvidia Jetson Nano。查看电动跟踪支持将很有趣,因为在许多Max78000应用程序(尤其是基于电池的解决方案)中,功率利用率和需求可能是关键因素。

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Editor Bill Wong comments on the challenges faced by electronic developers these days.