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Software-defined radio or radio-frequency system-on-chip? This article compares the two technologies and weighs their advantages and disadvantages for different connectivity applications.



  • Characteristics of transceivers that combine analog, digital, and mixed-signal components, such as SDR, RFSoC/SoC, and DFE technologies.
  • Basics of an SDR and RFSoC/SoC.
  • 使用SDR与离散集成电路和其他组件与RFSOC/SOC的优势/缺点。




SDR是一个高度灵活的收发器平台,主要由广播前端(RFE),混合信号接口和数字后端中的处理支持组成(图。1)。High-performance SDRs are critical for many wireless applications and tend to have more analog circuitry and are more easily integrated into RF systems compared to the RFSoC/DFE transceivers we’re discussing.

SDR本身包含一个带有接收(RX)和传输(TX)功能的RFE,以在广泛的调音范围内处理信号,该信号使用模拟和数字中的各种混合阶段来完成。此外,这些无线电连锁链的带宽非常高,每个无线电链最多3 GHz,每SDR最多可达16个完全独立的无线电链。

The SDR’s digital backend contains a high-performance Arm CPU/FPGA with onboard DSP capabilities for modulation, demodulation, digital upconversion (DUC), digital downconversion (DDC), filtering, etc. Furthermore, SDRs are highly reconfigurable and upgradable to the latest radio protocols, DSP algorithms, IP cores, etc.



传统的片上系统(SOC)技术是专门为其用例设计的,例如蓝牙,Zigbee,Wi-Fi,甚至是手机芯片(GPS等),所有这些都将减少到小规模收发器设计。与大多数电子设备一样,在功能上升的同时,大小也有所下降,正如收发器的最新发展之一(RF System-Chip(RFSOC))中可以看出的那样。这些收发器或完全集成的SOC专用芯片是由Xilinx开发的,并于2017年首映。

特别是,RFSOC设备基本上嵌入了RF级的多通道类似物对数字转换器(ADC)和数字到ANALOG转换器(DACS),以及Xilinx的多处理器系统芯片(MPSOC)以及ARM ARM处理器增强FPGA。如图所示Figure 2, the architecture integrates the mixed-signal’s interface (ADC/DAC) into the signal chain. These devices use a direct sampling ADC/DAC with DDC and DUC.

Pros and Cons of RFSoCs


这种常见的串行接口标准是JESD204B,它已从Xilinx RFSOC产品线中消除。使用RFSOC,使用并行接口将数据转换器直接集成到FPGA中,因此,这些设备不需要离散并行接口转换器所需的高针计数外部连接。


While RFSoC devices are impressive and can be advantageous in a number of applications, they also have multiple disadvantages. As RFSoCs/DFEs are essentially chips with embedded direct-sampling data converters, an engineer often needs to design a printed circuit board (PCB) around the RFSoC to increase capabilities as well as house the boards in some sort of enclosure (for environmental or ruggedization, for instance). Such a dense design of data converter interfaces creates many challenges.

对于初学者来说,在RFSOC上表明完整性时存在许多问题,包括虚假的数字信号拾音器,频道之间的串扰,与阻抗匹配有关的问题以及热管理问题。无法避免其中的大部分,尤其是在这些效果更可见的较高频率下。这就是为什么当前市场上最复杂的RFSOC只能调整高达7.1 GHz的原因。


为RFSOC/SOC/DFE开发FPGA“固件”代码时,也会出现许多挑战,因为您需要广泛熟悉硬件描述性语言(HDL)的编程,以及其他各种嵌入式系统设计编程功能无线电/DSP系统。例如,如果您要设计自定义调制解调器,请实现某种包装标准(即,在Vita 49数据包中传输以太网的数据)或开发自定义信号处理器,则需要大量开发时间。


从关于RFSOC的讨论中可以收集,通常需要进行大量开发才能启动和运行功能性的无线技术。因此,已经开发的SDR(即具有API,与DSP开发工具包一起使用,已经将数据从收发器传递到主机系统计算机/存储设备,使用VITA 49数据包格式等)可以显着降低时间。进行市场或设置特定应用程序。

对于使用专用Analog RFE的SDR制造商,仍有可能建立需要许多性能优势的定制设计。当您使用离散的商业现成(COTS)IC(放大器,过滤器,衰减器,调音台等)建立整个无线电链时,具有很大的灵活性,可以针对特定的RF性能要求进行优化。

For instance, the RFE can be customized for various performance requirements (tuning range, elimination of spurs within a band, output power, etc.). Another advantage of using an SDR with discrete components is that you can bypass numerous components in the RFE, which isn’t possible with RFSoCs. On top of that, the SDR’s RFE allows for higher tuning ranges (due to multiple mixer stages/multiple RFE signal chains). And in certain applications, it’s often possible to design an SDR that conforms to a particular size, weight, and power (SWaP) specification.

In terms of FPGA resources, on high-performance SDRs like每个恶习Cyan platform, feature many more logic elements/cells. These SDRs contain 5.5 million logic elements compared to the maximum of 930,000 currently available on RFSoC. Also, when working with an SDR manufacturer, it becomes possible to implement custom HDL code in a much less time-consuming and cost-effective manner compared to having to develop in-house.

易用性是值得一提的。与金属氧化物半导体t SDRs, data from the FPGA is passed over qSFP+ ports to a host system that has a number of different UIs to control the actual radio (for instance, with GNU Radio, Web UIs) and maintains compatibility with UHD for development in C++, GNU Radio, or Python.

Thus, when using or integrating an SDR into a wireless system, you’re able to focus on developing your application on it, rather than working out how to make the device operate as a radio device in the first place. In fact, many manufacturers of SDRs use SoCs in their digital backend and develop their analog RFE and other PCBs and APIs around these.

Of course, SDRs do come with some disadvantages. For one, these devices tend to be more expensive than many RFSoC/SoC DFEs. Moreover, high-end SDR devices often use larger FPGAs and JESD transceivers between data converters, and thus consume considerable power (albeit, this can be optimized for various requirements). Another disadvantage of some SDRs is the size/form factors of such devices. While it’s possible to make custom chassis/form factors for an SDR, these are generally much larger than small-form-factor RFSoCs/SoCs.


RFSoCs目前正在销售工作4G/5G base station equipment and other small-form-factor/low power consumption wireless systems. 5G base stations are often good applications of RFSoCs, particularly in remote radio head units (RRUs) in small-cell deployment due to the need for a very small form factor. Other applications include LiDAR for autonomous-vehicle technologies, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)/unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs) that require low-power wireless communications.

另一方面,SDR可用于广泛的瞬时带宽(IBW)应用程序,例如频谱监视和录制,可以将其与存储和播放解决方案结合使用(图3)。此外,对于较高频率(例如ka-或ku bands)的大量雷达和卫星通信,通常需要较高的SDR调音范围。

模拟RFE也非常适合需要更好的宽带动态范围和/或无伪动态范围(SFDR)的应用,例如在电子 - 毛线(EW)/SIGINT应用中。而且,当涉及到更容易的原型制作时,SDR可能是更好的选择,因为它们易于使用GNU广播和其他DSP工具包等平台。与使用RFSOC时必须开发自定义API或HDL代码相比,它们可以通过简单的接口进行更轻松的修改/重新设计。


RFSOC,DFES,SDR,收发器 - 这些设备的众多名称基本相同:传输和接收信号。这些设备有许多优势和缺点。此外,您的应用程序将决定您在开发上花费多少时间/金钱和资源以及此类应用程序的交换要求。如所讨论的,高性能的SDR和RFSOC截然不同,每个人都有其优点和缺点。


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