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April 1st: Keeping on Your Toes

April 1, 2022
Watch out for the latest spoofs and tricks when reading today.

This article is part of the2022 April 1stseries in theHumortopic within ourSeries Library.

April 1sthas traditionally been a day to celebrate with jokes, spoofs, and other tricks. It’s always hard to consider humor when there are so many tragedies in the world, but we seem to have them regardless of the year at hand. Likewise, humor can make bearing up in these tough times a little easier. We don’t want you to forget the horrors occurring in Ukraine or having to deal with COVID. However, we do hope our attempt at humor puts a grin on your face.

Our take on this day follows our take on the industry we cover. If you stumble upon our articles, then you better read carefully:

We’ve also collected them together so that you won’t miss any, including agallery. We even have eBooks of our collections, so check out the new and old.

Stay safe. Help others and spread a little cheer.

Download our eBooks that collect together the April 1st articles:

From 2021:

From 2020:


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